Giving gifts to friends and family is frequently a treasured aspect of the Christmas season, along with drinking eggnog and lighting the tree. But why do we do it?
The typical justification for gift-giving at Christmas is to serve as a reminder to those celebrating of the gifts that were given to the infant Jesus to commemorate his birth. Throughout the Advent season, gifts have been given in some form for centuries, but for the majority of people, these were typically tiny, handcrafted, or delicious such as needlework, wooden toys, or baked goods with a beautiful christmas packaging.
These days, giving gifts to those we love has become so associated with Christmas that it has supplanted other holiday activities as the major attraction. However, it wasn’t always the most crucial factor. Although the tradition of exchanging gifts during the winter holidays predates Christmas, it has undergone numerous changes in form.
Although it wasn’t unheard of, most Christians didn’t give gifts very often in earlier times. Giving gifts to your loved ones wasn’t as significant as the tradition of charity giving. Before giving to their friends and families, many Europeans gave to their servants, employees, and charity. Along with the holiday, this custom was brought to other countries. People have been exchanging gifts for a very long time, just like many other beloved Christmas customs. Although styles and preferences in gifts have evolved over time, the act of selecting, wrapping, and giving priceless gifts to loved ones has been valued for thousands of years over the holiday season.
The reasons people give and receive gifts differ from person to person. However, over time, we have discovered the following explanations for the practice of gift-exchanging: When we believe that our gift will positively impact someone’s life, we give it.We make donations to support the goals we think are crucial. It relates to social equality, environmental protection, or health research.Some of us give presents to raise money for the fight against a particular life-threatening illness, like HIV, TB, or cancer.We offer presents because doing so makes us feel joyful, wonderful, and content.Some of us also give contributions to help others while lowering our tax obligations.
Giving inspires others to do the same. Kindness spreads endlessly in a chain reaction that begins with only one person. You’ll notice that your family and friends are getting more charitable as soon as you start contributing. There is a great deal of satisfaction in knowing that your kindness is being spread.
Regular donors typically have lower stress and blood pressure levels. Regular donors do not get to benefit from these health benefits.Oxytocin, a hormone that promotes feelings of warmth, joy, and connection with others, is released as a result of giving. Some individuals think that this is the reason why donating makes the giver feel grateful.
According to the effectiveness of giving, those who regularly give to others have higher levels of happiness, joy, and contentment than those who don’t. Once more, it’s because the simple act of giving makes people feel happy and content.