Pool owners may be the people who are most aware of the benefits and cost savings of using solar to heat their pools when it comes to solar water heating. Most pools are seasonal and are only usable during the summer months. Solar pool owners, on the other hand, can gain greatly from their investment in solar. These systems can be linked such that they offer heat to the pool and your home’s domestic hot water in the summer as well as in the winter. This means that solar pool heating systems can help you save money on your heating bills all year round!
The days of leaky plastic mats lining pool owners’ roofs are over! Welcome to the new era of solar pool heating sunshine coast, in which high-powered solar vacuum tubes supply solar heating energy that is fed to the pool indirectly. We can eliminate the detrimental effects that chlorinated water can have on any solar heating system by utilizing a stainless steel or titanium heat exchanger. The use of a heat exchanger eliminates the need for huge pumps to raise vast amounts of water to the roof’s peak. Instead, a modest circulating pump with a life expectancy of 20 years that draws less power than a light bulb is all that is required.

There are various advantages to using Solar Evacuated tubes to heat a pool. To begin, a vacuum tube operates in indirect light and in cloudy conditions, which means that you may send usable heat energy to the pool from dawn to sunset and on cloudy days. Because vacuum tubes have a life expectancy of 25 years or more, you won’t have to fix leaks and replace mats every 3-5 years. The total cost will be lower. Windy conditions have little effect on evacuated tubes. When there is even a moderate breeze, normal plastic pool heaters function like radiators, absorbing heat energy quicker than it can be provided. Finally, vacuum tubes may function in temperatures as low as -40 degrees Celsius. So, your solar water heater is working even when the outside temperature is colder than the pool water. Other methods only heat the pool if the air temperature is higher than the pool temperature. This means that by employing our innovative solar pool heaters, pool owners can extend their pool season by 2-3 months.

Our solar pool heaters, unlike all other pool heaters on the market, use a closed-loop method. This implies that the pool pump is in charge of pushing the pool water up against gravity, which causes excessive wear on the pump and raises the pump’s running costs by up to 30%. Pool heaters use a heat exchanger to separate the heating fluid from the pool water, and a tiny amount of water or glycol is pumped through the solar vacuum tubes. They absorb the sun’s energy via an innovative evacuated tube and then transfer it to the pool via a heat exchanger. The hi-flow pool heat exchanger provides very minimal resistance to the pool pump, allowing it to operate at full capacity.